We extend a warm welcome to the high-caliber organizations and governmental institutions which have taken an “HONORARY PATRONAGE” of the IABM event.
The International Automotive Business Meeting ( IABM) is a key event for the automotive industry in Central and Eastern Europe; therefore, a crucial gathering for this part of Europe and the world.
For the automotive sector, IABM is an exclusive business meeting that brings together industry leaders, experts, car manufacturers, suppliers, institutions, and industry associations, to discuss innovation in the automotive sector and create business opportunities for the participating companies.
We welcome the following institutions and organisations for the “HONORARY PATRONAGE” of the event.
British Embassy in Poland

Embassy of Italy in Poland

Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu (Polish Agency of Investment and trade)

Ministrestwo Funduszy I Polityki Regionalnej (The Polish Ministry of Regional Funds and Policy)

Ministerstow Kilmatu I Środowiska (The Polish Ministry of Climate and Environment)

This year, IABM organisers, partners, and speakers will deliver a series of impact-driven panels with the ultimate key players and experts from the leading companies and provide four unique networking opportunities for participants.
You cannot miss this unique opportunity to reconnect with industry experts and colleagues.